Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year ramblings

Hey everyone! Well it's been months since I've written a blog that contained anything more than just pictures, and while I'd like to say that my news years resolution is to get better and post every month I know that is pretty unlikely especially since I don't make new years resolutions. However this week I have felt motivated but be forewarned that this post is long and rambling!

Katelyn is 7 1/2 months already - she can sit up without falling over, she can eat cheerios and drink water from a sippy all by herself (which she LOVES), and she is learning how to crawl although she's thankfully still pretty slow. She really loves her new Christmas toys although funny enough her favorite toys are Maya's hand me downs. She still doesn't have much hair although her fuzz is growing in and is darker than Maya's hair. She doesn't have any teeth yet either although we keep checking for something, especially on those crabby afternoons. She really doesn't nap very well, maybe a couple of hours all day long however she is a great sleeper at night sometimes sleeping from 7pm to 7am without feedings. She's still so big, we were just talking last weekend that we're pretty sure the rolls on her legs are getting bigger instead of smaller. And she is quite the screamer and squealer, making sure we know that she's there. She isn't too content to be alone with plain old mom (unless she's tired or hungry) so she's always looking around for big sister and dad to entertain her and make her laugh. And everytime she gets to laughing she ends up with the hiccups which is adorable. And last but not least when she sees me at the end of the day she will give me a big 'hug' consisting of burying her head in my shoulder and grabbing me really tight to tell me that she missed me. Oh how I love my baby girl ;-)

Maya is doing awesome, growing up more and more every day. She pretty much tells us what to do all day long. She is working on grasping the 'calendar' right now - what season or holiday comes next, what day is it, what day comes next, etc. We talk about these things at least once a day. Some of our other daily conversations: She tells me she loves me about 20 times a day - which I LOVE because I know in 10 years she definitely won't be telling me that! Every night as soon as I get home she asks for a snack and keeps asking for a snack at about 15 minute intervals until bedtime. She very recently started to eat her dinner better, probably because we tell her no snacks unless she eats dinner. So she'll eat the required number of bites and immediately ask for a snack while sitting at dinner. She also asks for a snack as soon as she wakes up some days, preferring 'snacks' to breakfast. She had an awesome Christmas and was so excited for Santa this year. She got tons of toys and stuffed animals. I'm not sure she has a favorite but the unicorn pillow pet from Santa Claus got to go to daycare twice last week for show and tell so it appears we have a front runner!

Outside of having perfect children (LOL) things have been pretty stressful. I survived layoffs back in October when the FDIC shut down one of our loan products that produced 60% of our company revenue. The company luckily seems to have made a quick turnaround and I feel pretty safe for this year but that was a really awful time. On Chris' end of things he ended up having to work the night shift for the past two months during Q4 and actually just got to go back to the day shift this week. That schedule was really hard on us all and I'm very glad to have my husband back home with me at night!

We have also been in turmoil about our house and Maya starting school in the fall. For several reasons we do not want Maya to go to the elementary school that she is supposed to go to, so we've been contemplating whether we try to transfer her to another school in the district, try out private school, or we try to move. After changing our minds numerous times over the past year I believe we are going to stick things out at our house and play the odds that one of our transfer requests is granted (trying 5 schools). That is the two second version to a long decision. If we knew she would for sure get into one of the transfer schools then it really wouldn't be as big a deal - the hardest part is that we won't find out until the week before school starts which school she'll be attending!

We did get to escape and had an awesome night out on New Years Eve - Grandma Bennett babysat the girls and Chris and I stayed overnight downtown. I only had one request for the event - that I got to lay in bed and order room service for breakfast. Well it was a success! It was just what I needed to recharge for a few extra hours! :-)

And so 2011 is already in full swing and Christmas already seems like a distant memory except for one thing - my wonderful, loving, awesome husband got me a MAID SERVICE for Christmas and I have my first cleaning tomorrow!!!!! Happy New Year to me!!!!

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