Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1 month old and 4 years old!

Well the days and weeks are just flying by this summer, I'm back to work in a few short weeks. I definitely don't feel like I've been off work for 5 weeks already! Katelyn has grown so much in her first 5 weeks, she is bigger than Maya was at that age, already 11 pounds 4 ounces. Katelyn is such a sweet baby but she is 'harder' than Maya was. She is pretty gassy alot of the time and has extended fussy periods every day. It's been a pretty rough month off and on, the wonderful flip side is her sleeping through the night already! I'm honestly not sure it's worth 9 hours of fussy baby during the day just so I can sleep 7 hours at night. Of course every day and week brings something new so I'm sure next month I'll have it all figured out! She does much better on days when we get out of the house and she always sleeps in her carseat so maybe we just need to go shopping everyday :-). I love her to pieces regardless of my frustration, she is a complete doll and really a good baby. So far we have had Grandma Maureen come stay for a week and Grandpa Pearson come visit for a weekend to see Maya and Katelyn this summer. Maya just LOVES having her grandparents stay with us!

1 month old

Look how big she is! Happy 4th of July!
Here's a video of Maya and Katelyn playing

And of course we just celebrated Maya's birthday this past weekend which made for a busy few days of playing, playing, playing! Daddy bought Maya a pink princess jumphouse because that was the only thing she said she wanted. Of course it's Texas in July so it was really too hot to play outside for too long so she played inside with her new toys most of the time - Candyland was a huge hit, as was indoor hopscotch and new polly pockets and pet shop toys. We had Maya's party at the Indoor Safari Park which was a big hit and tons of kids showed up despite the holiday. They all had tons of fun and it was good to see some of our friends at the same time!

Maya is in swim lessons again this summer
The kids were too busy playing at the party so we brought the presents home, she was sooo excited to open this big pile of presents!
Well that's all for this month, Chris and Maya will be home soon from work and daycare and I have about 20 other things I should be doing around the house while the baby is giving me a few minutes of quiet. This having two kids thing is definitely alot of work, we are already ready for a serious vacation so if anyone is interesting in coming to babysit just let me know!

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