Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The end is in sight...May 24th!

Why is it that the end of pregnancy always drags by sooo slowly? The perspective of time during a pregnancy is always different when watching someone go through it vs. going through it yourself but the end always just seems to drag no matter who it's happening to. lol.

This past weekend we had a 'refresher childbirth class' which was actually really good and at least I thought the day went by quickly. I switched doctors and hospitals from when I had Maya so it was good to learn our way around and see how they do things differently. They are a baby friendly hospital which means they don't ever take the baby out of your room...like ever :-/ even at 4am when you want to sleep. So we'll see how that goes. I'm looking forward to a more positive birth experience this time around and that means the baby needs to come on her own time so I will just be patiently waiting for the next month.

I'm definitely not very mobile these days and have zero energy. I even got tired from the stand up/sit down routine at church on Sunday :-) I am able to sleep ok and I'm not having any back pains or heartburn like so many friends have had so I'm grateful for that. I definitely don't remember being this tired with Maya, but otherwise things aren't too different. Chris has been great the past month, when I decided the house should be cleaned but I didn't actually have the energy to do the cleaning - and he's now on store duty because I can't handle hauling groceries around anymore.

Everything is ready for baby Katelyn's arrival at the house. Even though we don't really have any big plans for the month we still have a birthday and mothers day to occupy the next two weekends. Alright well I have to sign off and put Maya to bed so I can go lay on the couch and eat something chocolate and delicious...next time you hear from me I hope to have a new baby in tow! Enjoy some spring pics in the previous post.

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