Name: Katelyn Elizabeth Bennett
Birthday: June 1st 2010 1:07pm
Weight: 8 lb 2 oz
Length: 19.69 inches
After going a week overdue and trying everything under the sun to get baby Kate to come before my induction the night of June 1st, she finally listened and I started having contractions on my own the night of May 31st. We headed for the hospital at 6:30am on on the 1st and Kate was born about 6 hours later. Labor was painful (no surprise there) but epidurals are a lifesaver. I'm very thankful I got to experience going into labor naturally and I'm also of course thankful for a quick labor.
Katelyn is perfect and we're all adjusting to our new life at home, today is day 3 and every day gets easier. After another jaundice scare we finally got to bring her home on Friday the 4th. My blood type is different from the girls and that made them have a condition after birth where their jaundice is worse than that of a normal baby. I'm grateful that Kate got her treatment in the hospital before we left, it was less stressful on me than with Maya we were sent home thinking everything was normal. Of course everything is easier this time around when it comes to taking care of the baby. The sleep deprivation part doesn't get any easier however :-)
Maya is doing really wonderful and so far has been very patient about getting mommy time and she loves her little sister. And Chris has been amazing taking care of the house and laundry so that I can get some rest and spend time with the girls. And now the reason you're all even reading this, to see some pics and video. So enjoy!